I just loved almost all of your Medium stories until I read this one. All I could think of was "You had sex with someone who refuses to get vaccinated." I thought that being a Trump lover was bad enough until I read that. I am really trying not to judge but it is such a struggle. I guess because I love sex too but not enough to compromise my belief that getting vaccinated is not just for yourself, it is also for the greater good of society as a whole. Because of what I currently do for a living, I frequently get phone calls from people on a gurney in the hallway of a hospital with too many sick people and not enough rooms to be admitted. They call crying and begging us to at least get them a room even if they are going to die later. No one wants to die in the hallway of a hospital waiting for someone to help them. Too many of them regret not getting the vaccine when it is too late to save them. What's worse is that they are clogging up the healthcare system so bad that even the vaccinated people who didn't catch COVID but had the misfortune of having a heart attack or stroke but the nearest hospital has no room for them. They are dying unnecessarily because there aren't enough doctor and nurses to attend to everyone. I know that freedom of choice to believe whatever you want goes both ways, but I draw the line at having sex with someone who can't see that 600K + people dying from a contagious virus isn't a personal choice. Even Trump got vaccinated.